Event date
  • Medical Errors
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
This activity is specific to Florida statutes and reflects regulations effective March 2024 (MDs and DOs).Few medical errors are attributed to faculty medical judgment. More commonly, they are attributed to system failures inherent in healthcare delivery. This particular course features the mandatory content required by the Florida Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine for prevention of medical errors, including root cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, patient safety, and the most commonly mis-diagnosed conditions identified by the two Boards.
  • Domestic Violence
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 37.9% of Florida women and 29.3% of Florida men will be victims of domestic violence by family members or a partner in their lifetime. This is slightly different from the national average, which has 41% of women and 26% of men experiencing intimate partner violence.   
  • Domestic Violence
  • 0.51 AANP Contact Hours
  • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Intimate partner violence and child abuse are significant public health problems that impact mental and physical health. This session will present evidence-based tools that can be used to identify intimate partner violence and child abuse. Participants will learn how to respond to intimate partner violence and child abuse in the primary care setting. Best practice guidelines and legal obligations will be reviewed.
  • Implicit Bias
  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
This module provides an overview of implicit bias, and how it is manifested in everyday clinical decision-making. Viewers will learn about the underlying psychology and neuroscience of implicit associations, and assess their own biases to increase self-awareness. This course also describes debiasing strategies and best practices to mitigate risks of the impact of bias on treatment and care.
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
This module reviews important terminology, addresses medical biases, and identifies best practices for serving transgender and nonbinary patients.  Users of this module will learn about clinical guidelines for prescribing hormone therapy and will learn about practice changes they can make to ensure patients receive nondiscriminatory care. This module includes a role play demonstration of key concepts.
  • Implicit Bias
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
In DC Health’s second module on implicit bias, the concept of implicit bias is overviewed and then expanded on through five scenarios. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from these realistic situations that take place in healthcare settings and review the reasons certain interactions display bias. These interactions may take place at any point during a patient’s care, from a scheduling phone call to the recording of symptoms, and these interactions can even take place amongst coworkers.
  • Medical Ethics
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Dr. Sotomayor, Chief of the Clinical Ethics Consultation service of the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, navigates learners through the complex ethical dilemmas that face healthcare practitioners by reinforcing the foundational concepts of clinical bioethics, primarily the four principles, and educating the learner on how to apply these foundational concepts to the pressing ethical issues related to health equity and prescribing and access to medications and treatments.
  • Vaccinations
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
This module reviews the population health impact of vaccinations on the community. This includes the vaccine campaigns, health benefits, risk-factors, vaccine hesitancy and impact of misinformation so that health professionals can effectively communicate with patients about vaccinations. ​This module will be a lecture style format with integrated questions throughout. ​This module will be approximately 1 hour in length for viewing and completion of the evaluation​. This module is approved for 1 hour of CME.
  • Weight Management
  • 1.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Students will gain a basic understanding of the concepts of Culinary Medicine. Students will discuss the impact of medical interaction and intervention in the prevention and treatment of diet-related illnesses. Students will also learn basic kitchen safety and knife handling skills.
  • Domestic Violence
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—greater than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. National trends show increases in domestic homicides, assaults, and other incidents over the years. During this talk you will learn about the factors that contributed to them. You will also learn about the opportunities we have as health care providers to help stop the violence.
