Event date
- 10.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Primary care providers play a critical role in providing follow-up care for cancer survivors, including dealing with many of the physical, psychological, practical, informational and spiritual challenges after the completion of cancer treatment.
- State Mandated Training
- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 ANCC
This course has been developed for physicians and all other healthcare professionals. This educational module qualifies as the web-based pain management training offered by the Oregon Pain Management Commission.
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Join us for a discussion on cardiovascular disease screening guidelines and how to navigate incidental findings on imaging. Enhance your ability to assess risk, guide shared decision-making, and implement primary prevention strategies to improve cardiovascular health in your patients.
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Effective January 2025, all actively licensed physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants are required to complete the two-hour on-demand course provided by PBI Education entitled “Navigating Professional Boundaries in Health Care.” The course is provided free of charge to all Alabama licensees and must be completed by December 31, 2025. All new licensees (excluding those limited licensees enrolled in a residency training program or a clinical fellowship) must complete this course within twelve months of obtaining licensure.
- Mandated Reporter
- State Mandated Training
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
The mandatory training is required by Section 1723 of the Medical Practice Act, effective August 1, 2010.
- Cultural Competency
- 9.00 AANP Contact Hours
- 9.00 AAPA Category I CME
- 9.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Culturally and linguistically appropriate services help advance health equity, improve quality, and eliminate health and health care disparities. Persistent disparities, an increasingly diverse society, and an evolving health and health care system all underscore the necessity for providing services and care in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.
- Cultural Competency
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This CME activity provides education on unconscious bias in the academic medicine workplace for Stanford Medicine. Existing research on unconscious bias will provide a science-based view of this seemingly non-science topic. Case studies with examples of unconscious bias, self-assessment opportunities, and exploring bias busting strategies will enable learners to understand how to bring the content into their own unique environments.
- Pain Management: Opioid(s)
- Prescribing
- Prescribing: Opioid(s)
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 2.00 ANCC
- 2.00 ANCC Pharmacology
Opioid analgesic medications can bring substantial relief to patients suffering from pain. However, the inappropriate use, abuse, and diversion of prescription drugs in America, particularly prescription opioids, has increased dramatically in recent years and has been identified as a national public health epidemic. Tennessee continues to rank in the top 10 states according to per capita prescription rate for opioids in the United States, and unintentional overdose deaths continue to increase each year.