Event date
  • 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 16.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.NASCEND has developed a comprehensive online curriculum to educate healthcare professionals on the growing epidemic of substance use disorder (SUD) and its impact from pregnancy to pediatrics on the mom, the infant and the family.
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 2.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.The TIC course will help all levels of healthcare recognize and understand trauma and its impact on patients, families, and the healthcare community. The training will discuss how providers can implement a trauma informed approach to care in day to day patient interactions and provide a special focus on improving care for women with both a trauma history and substance use disorder.Courses:
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 2.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.Pediatricians are in a unique position to help end the intergenerational cycle of substance abuse. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the unique follow-up needs of substance exposed infants including age-appropriate expectations, recommendations for improved outcomes and adverse childhood experiences (ACE) reduction strategies for providers.Courses:
  • 4.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 4.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.Nutrition and feeding can be highly compromised in substance exposed infants (SEI). This course will provide training and resources to improve feeding, optimize nutritional outcomes and engage parents in safe and effective feeding for SEI.Courses:
  • 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 3.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member dis
  • 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 3.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.This course will discuss many of the substances, illicit and legal, that are used and abused during pregnancy. It will explain the role of dopamine in addiction including decreased activity, joy, energy and interest which significantly affects bonding and parenting. Finally, the course will review the pathogenesis and presentation of neonatal withdrawal.Courses:
  • 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 3.00 ANCC
How to redeem the Mocingbird member discount: click on take the course link and 10% discount is automatically applied.This course will provide a comfort first, infant driven approach to non-pharmacological care for opioid exposed infants (OEI). Training includes the benefits of lullabies and guidelines to implement a non-therapeutic music program for OEI.Courses:
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 ANCC
To streamline user access, Mocingbird provides a direct link to Oregon’s approved OPMC Pain Management Module provided by the Oregon Health Authority.
  • 2.00 ANCC
This module aims to outline the trauma-informed care of victims of sexual violence, including assessment, forensic evidence collection procedures, documentation, and a brief overview of providing testimony. This course also satisfies the requirements for nurses practicing in the state of Texas for sexual assault and forensic medicine continuing education.
  • 2.00 MOC
  • 2.00 Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 2.00 ANCC
  • 2.00 Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)
Widespread outbreaks of novel (new) coronavirus infection have occurred in each of the past two decades, and the current outbreak poses the third threat of a severe novel coronavirus epidemic on a global scale. In response to a 13-fold increase in the number of reported cases within the span of two weeks and active cases in more than 100 countries, the WHO reached a decision that the COVID-19 outbreak should be characterized as a pandemic.
