Embracing the Journey: End-of-Life Care Planning and Palliative Care

Our population is aging and so are our patients. Learn how to address advance care planning issues such as long term care planning, pain management, and end of life documentation that are necessary in caring for your older patients. Dr.
Advanced Directives & End-of-Life Issues for African Americans

Episode 12: Bridging the Gap: Conversations with Dr. Hall
Embracing the Journey: End of Life Care Planning and Palliative Care

All patients who are seriously ill can benefit from palliative care principles in the primary care setting. This session is designed to offer clinicians the information and skills needed to provide high-quality primary palliative care to patients with serious illness.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Pain and Best Practices for Managing Acute Pain

This lecture provides medical professionals with clinical practice guidelines based on the 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain.
- CDC Clinic...See more
- Self-study / Enduring
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Cost $0.00
Duty to Report to the State Medical Board of Ohio

As a licensee of the State Medical Board of Ohio, you have a statutory and ethical duty to report misconduct.
- Duty to Report to the State Medical Board of Ohio
- Self-study / Enduring
Cost $0.00
Cancer Survivorship Series

Primary care providers play a critical role in providing follow-up care for cancer survivors, including dealing with many of the physical, psychological, practical, informational and spiritual challenges after the completion of cancer treatment.
- Self-study / Enduring
- 10.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Cost $0.00
A Matter of the Heart—Screening Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease - Frankly Speaking Ep 417

Join us for a discussion on cardiovascular disease screening guidelines and how to navigate incidental findings on imaging. Enhance your ability to assess risk, guide shared decision-making, and implement primary prevention strategies to improve cardiovascular health in your patients.
- Podcast
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Cost $0.00
DR-2 Alabama Edition

Effective January 2025, all actively licensed physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants are required to complete the two-hour on-demand course provided by PBI Education entitled “Navigating Professional Boundaries in Health Care.” The course is provided free of cha
- Self-study / Enduring
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Cost $0.00
A Physician's Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care

Culturally and linguistically appropriate services help advance health equity, improve quality, and eliminate health and health care disparities.
Unconscious Bias in Medicine

This CME activity provides education on unconscious bias in the academic medicine workplace for Stanford Medicine. Existing research on unconscious bias will provide a science-based view of this seemingly non-science topic.
- Cultural Competency
- Self-study / Enduring
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Cost $0.00