Event date
  • Radiology
  • 28.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 28.00 AOA Category 1-A
This program is intended for practicing radiologists and radiology trainees as a comprehensive and practical case-based radiology review. All subspecialties and imaging modalities will be covered with lectures divided into the following sections: neuroimaging, musculoskeletal imaging, gastrointestinal imaging, genitourinary imaging, ultrasound imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, pediatric imaging, breast imaging, vascular & interventional radiology, and nuclear medicine.
  • 1.00 AOA Category 1-A
During this interactive presentation, attendees will be invited to examine microaggressions in the professional setting. Attendees will discuss personal experiences of microaggressions and/or witnessed microaggressions in the clinic setting, meetings, or personal interactions. Attendees will be educated to identify and mitigate microaggressions in the professional environment.