Event date
  • Human Trafficking
  • 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 5.00 ANCC
  • 5.00 ASWB
Today, some label human trafficking as a form of "modern day slavery," and frequently, human trafficking has been linked to sex work and prostitution, although there are other forms of trafficking, such as forced labor and domestic work. Human trafficking can involve women, men, and children. Its victims experience a host of psychological problems, including post-traumatic stress, helplessness, and depression, due to the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse they have experienced. This course encompasses a basic overview of human trafficking.
  • Medical Ethics
  • 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Medical ethics, also known as bioethics, is an amalgam of medicine, law, and religion. It is also influenced by cultural beliefs. In this course, we will define the most common ethical principles and note their relationship to the basic theories of ethics. Some of the prominent court cases that have dictated the basis of physician-patient relationships, especially in end-of-life care, are presented. Also, the Patient Self-Determination Act is outlined with explanations of advance directives—better known as physician directives and durable power of attorney for health care.
  • Medical Ethics
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 2.00 ANCC
Ethics are a significant part of high-quality clinical practice. This course presents ethical principles, scenarios, and the ethical responsibilities of healthcare professionals.The goal of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with an awareness of how ethics impacts clinical practice and an approach for analyzing ethical issues in clinical practice. 
  • Medical Errors
  • Risk Management
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
The purpose of this module is to engage health care providers (prescribers), pharmacists, and other health care professionals in evidence based practices to avoid medication errors and enhance patient safety. Successful attainment of knowledge by the learner will enable improved awareness and lead to changes in clinical practice measures to overcome common causes of medication errors.  
  • Drug Diversion
  • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 0.75 ANCC
Prescription drug diversion is a serious problem and fuels the current US epidemic of drug misuse, abuse, and addiction. Healthcare practitioners need to be able to identify and prevent drug diversion in their practices, by patients or staff members. This course presents the different mechanisms used to divert drugs and strategies to detect and prevent diversion.
  • Human Trafficking
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Human trafficking is a major public health problem, both domestically and internationally. Healthcare providers are often the only professionals to interact with trafficking victims who are still in captivity. Recent studies have demonstrated that up to 50% of trafficking victims in the United States were seen by healthcare professionals while in captivity and were not identified. This course will help guide healthcare professionals to identify human trafficking victims when they present in the clinical setting.
  • Telemedicine
  • 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.25 ANCC
Telehealth has become an integral part of the healthcare system as it provides patients, healthcare providers, and staff with a flexible option to meet healthcare needs. The use of telehealth proliferated during the COVID-19 pandemic, with regulations and payment structures modified to allow payments to clinicians to provide new ways of care. This course covers telehealth best practices and use cases to transform care delivery by integrating workflows, administrative documentation, and achieving high patient satisfaction.
  • Mandated Reporter
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
The state of Illinois has specific requirements for mandated reporter training. In this webinar – which has been designed to meet the training mandate set forth by the state of Illinois – Dr. Norell Rosado of Lurie Children’s Hospital’s Division of Child Abuse Pediatrics and ISMIE’s Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, Robert John Kane, JD, will discuss the indicators for child abuse and neglect, the importance of responding to a child in a trauma-informed manner, and the process and responsibilities of a mandated reporter in the state of Illinois.
  • Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  • Pharmacology
  • 10.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 10.00 ANCC
  • 10.00 ASWB
Morphine and heroin were first synthesized and used medicinally in the nineteenth century, and recreational and illicit use followed. Historically, heroin dependence has been difficult to treat successfully, with poor outcome being attributed to patient characteristics, environmental factors, and the powerful reinforcing effects of the drug. Agonist-replacement therapy was introduced more than 40 years ago and represented a breakthrough in the management of heroin addiction.
  • Human Trafficking
  • 2.00 ANCC
This course is designed for Michigan healthcare professionals and those in allied professions who may come into contact with and be called upon to intervene on behalf of victims of human trafficking within the scope of their practice by learning about human trafficking, its types, warning signs, and reporting mechanisms.
