Child Abuse and Neglect: Mandated Reporter Training for Illinois Healthcare Professionals
The state of Illinois has specific requirements for mandated reporter training. In this webinar – which has been designed to meet the training mandate set forth by the state of Illinois – Dr. Norell Rosado of Lurie Children’s Hospital’s Division of Child Abuse Pediatrics and ISMIE’s Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, Robert John Kane, JD, will discuss the indicators for child abuse and neglect, the importance of responding to a child in a trauma-informed manner, and the process and responsibilities of a mandated reporter in the state of Illinois.
Successful completion of this program allows healthcare professionals to attest that they have met the state’s training requirement for mandated reporters prior to the next re-licensure cycle and such training will count toward meeting their required continuing education hours.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this learning activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify indicators for child abuse and neglect
- Recognize how to respond to a child in a trauma-informed manner when abuse or neglect is suspected
- Identify how implicit bias can impact the recognition of child abuse
- Describe the process for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect in Illinois, including the documentation required
- Describe strategies to combat implicit bias as a mandatory reporter
- Summarize the roles of child protective services and the reporter after a report has been made
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This course is offered through Illinois State Medical Society.
To take this course you will be redirected to Illinois State Medical Society's website. You must login or create an account with Illinois State Medical Society in order to complete this activity.
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