Vitamin knowledge leaving you in a “funk”?

Learn about vitamin supplementation and nutrient depletions caused by drug therapy. Pharmacy professionals and nurses play a vital role in educating patients on proper vitamin use.

It is a little over 110 years ago that Casimir Funk elucidated the need for “vital amines” that were isolated from the foods we eat. Vitamin supplementation in America for the most part, like most everything in America, is done to excess! Many prescription products are known to cause vitamin depletion, and hence the need for supplementation. Pharmacy professionals are the best choice for assisting with nutrient depletions caused by drug therapy. Nurses can also help in providing health education about vitamins to patients!

Learning Objectives

  1. Review the laws pertaining to labeling, promotion, and regulation of vitamins.

  2. List each water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamin and their corresponding deficiency states.

  3. Recognize vitamin depletion caused by prescription medications.

  4. Describe vitamin supplementation in specific populations including alcoholism, acid suppression, and bariatric surgery.

Additional Information

Course summary
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  • 1.50 ANCC
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Available Credit

  • 1.50 ANCC


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