Training and Education in Sexual and Domestic Violence in Compliance with Chapter 260
As part of the Acts of 2014, Chapter 260, An Act Relative to Domestic Violence, Section 9, this training is provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for professionals receiving licensure from the:
- Board of Registration in Medicine
- Board of Registration in Nursing
- Board of Registration of Physician Assistants
- Board of Nursing Home Administrators
- Board of Registration of Social Workers
- Board of Registration of Psychologists
- Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Profession
The purpose of this training is to fulfill Massachusetts' Chapter 260 requirement.
Learning Objectives
- Define and describe prevalence of sexual and Domestic violence and explain and identify the dynamics of sexual and intimate partner violence
- Identify the impact of sexual and intimate partner violence on individual’s immediate and long-term physical and emotional health
- Describe and provide universal education regarding sexual and/or domestic violence to all clients/patients
- Respond appropriately to a disclosure of sexual and/or domestic violence as well as to the absence of disclosure when a patient/client is presenting signs suggesting that they may be experiencing violence
- Explain and understand the importance of creating collaborative relationships with sexual and domestic violence service providers
- Identify available local resources and make appropriate and supportive referrals
Additional Information
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health
State Approved:
This course is offered through The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
To take this course you will be redirected to The Commonwealth of Massachusetts' website. You must login or create an account with The Commonwealth of Massachusetts in order to complete this activity.
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