TeleMental Health Annual HIPAA Training
This course reduces risk and provides education and competency to meet regulatory and licensure requirements for practitioners providing telemental health services to patients while following the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. As HIPAA recommends annual training that should include telemental health considerations to the Privacy Rule, Security Rule, Omnibus Rule, Breach Notification Rule and Enforcement Rule while understanding the Order of Authority in state and federal laws.
Course Format:
TeleMental Health Annual HIPAA Training Part 1
- Definition of HIPAA
- Why is there a need for HIPAA?
- HIPAA Rules
- HIPAA Privacy Rule
- HIPAA Privacy Rule Covered Entities
- HIPAA Privacy Rule Breach Response
- HIPAA Privacy Rule Laws Related to Telemental Health
- HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule Training
- HIPAA Security Rule Officers
- HIPAA Security Rule Role of Compliance Officer
- HIPAA Security Rule Role of Security Officer
- HIPAA Security Rule Role of Privacy Officer
TeleMental Health Annual HIPAA Training Part 2
- HIPAA Security Rule
- HIPAA Security Rule Administrative Safeguards
- HIPAA Security Rule Physical Safeguards
- HIPAA Security Rule Technical Safeguards
- HIPAA Security Rule Technology Risk Assessment
TeleMental Health Annual HIPAA Training Part 3
- HIPAA Security Rule for Settings
- HIPAA Omnibus Rule
- HIPAA Omnibus Rule Business Associate Agreements
- HIPAA Omnibus Rule Response to Security Breach
- HIPAA Omnibus Rule HITECH Act
- HIPAA Breach Notification Rule
- HIPAA Breach Filing
- HIPAA Enforcement Rule
TeleMental Health Annual HIPAA Training Part 4
- Order of Authority for Telemental Health
- HIPAA Rules Consequences of Non-Compliance
- State and Federal Laws in Telemental Health
- Malpractice and Telemental Health
- Patient’s Bill of Rights
- Scope of Practice Ethical Responsibility
Learning Objectives
- Apply privacy law requirements related to telemental health.
- Apply state and federal laws directing telemental health practice.
- Apply HIPAA compliance.
- Apply the Privacy Rule.
- Apply the limits of malpractice.
- Demonstrate appropriate response to security breaches.
- Demonstrate appropriate response to data loss.
- Apply setting specified security needs.
- Conduct technology risk assessments.
- Understand privacy law requirements related to telemental health.
- The order of authority between state level and federal regulations.
- HIPAA understanding and telemental health.
- HITECH understanding and telemental health.
- Covered entities under HIPAA.
- Protected health information definitions.
- Who can and cannot access protected health information.
- The role of a privacy officer.
- The Patient’s Bill of Rights.
- Understanding business associate agreements.
- Risks of security breaches.
- What constitutes a breach.
- Understanding of the HIPAA security rule.
- The types of safeguards including technological, administrative, and physical safeguards for risks and threats.
- The consequences of non-compliance.
- The ethical responsibility regarding scope of practice.
Additional Information
Robert Maxwell, MD
George Martin, MD, MSHA
David Joyce, MD, MBA
These activities have been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society, and MedEd-Stat. MedChi is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CME Designation Statement
MedChi The Maryland State Medical Society designates this Online enduring educational activity for a maximum of 1.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Planner Disclosure Statement:
The planners for this activity have reported no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Presenter Disclosure Statement:
The presenters of this CME course have reported no relevant financial relationships to disclose. They will not be referencing any off-label uses of product or devices.
Available Credit
- 1.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This course is offered through CCHE. To take this course you will be redirected to CCHE's website. You must login or create an account with CCHE in order to complete this activity.
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