Promoting the Health of Gender and Sexual Minorities
The gender and sexual minority (GSM) population is a diverse group that can be defined as a subculture. It includes homosexual men, lesbian women, bisexual persons, transgender individuals, and those questioning their sexual identity, among others. While assessment of the subculture and identification of culturally competent health promotion strategies have been delayed for many reasons, the health promotion needs of GSM individuals of various ages are appearing with more frequency in professional literature. Borrowing from the discipline of counseling, use of four crosscultural communication skill areas may be used to promote intercultural communication when working with members of other cultures. Use of these skill areas becomes a framework for identifying strategies that members of the interdisciplinary team may use to promote cultural competency when interacting with GSM individuals.
More individuals who identify as gender and sexual minorities and their families want culturally appropriate information as well as support and referral. The purpose of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with strategies that promote cultural competency when treating and caring for these patients, supporting the concept of patient-centered care.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Define multiple terms related to the concept of sexual identity.
- Define heterosexism and homophobia and identify how they may be barriers to increasing professional awareness of gender and sexual minorities (GSM).
- Summarize myths related to the GSM population.
- Describe research challenges related to the GSM population.
- Describe select theoretical models related to the development of one's sexual identity (the "coming-out" process).
- Cite unique health and safety concerns experienced by the GSM population and available resources that healthcare professionals can provide to these patients and their families.
- Identify culturally appropriate strategies useful for implementing skills, including the application of crosscultural communication.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 5.00 ANCC
This course is offered through NetCE.
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