Prescription Opioids: Risk Management and Strategies for Safe Use
This course will extensively cover the various approaches recommended or mandated for use by clinicians who prescribe opioids, in order to reduce risk and improve outcomes. The goal of this course is provide clinicians with an understanding of the essential components of appropriate opioid prescribing. This objective will be achieved through discussion of behavioral responses in patients receiving opioids for pain; the antecedents, catalysts, manifestations, and consequences of the dramatic and widespread increase in clinical and illicit use of prescription opioids; the assessment and management of pain patient risk of developing problems with their prescribed opioid analgesic; governmental, law enforcement, and industry strategies and tactics to reduce prescription opioid abuse; and treatment approaches for patients with comorbid chronic pain and substance use disorders. Among primary care providers, considerable evidence has found widespread misunderstanding of opioid and other substance abuse and addiction and confusion in distinguishing physiological tolerance and dependence and uncontrolled pain behaviors from symptoms of opioid use disorder.
The purpose of this course is to provide the information necessary for clinicians to make informed decisions regarding prescribed opioids in order to minimize adverse events, substance abuse, and drug diversion.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Define terms associated with opioid therapy and aberrant drug use.
- Analyze behavioral responses to prescribed opioids and signs of emerging opioid misuse.
- Outline the impact of clinical and professional society attitudes toward opioid prescribing.
- Review the role of OxyContin in the rise of prescribed opioids for chronic noncancer pain.
- Evaluate the basic epidemiology of prescription opioid use, misuse, and dependence in the United States.
- Identify factors that influence opioid prescribing decisions.
- Describe the morbidity and mortality associated with the use of prescription opioids.
- Discuss characteristics of appropriate and inappropriate opioid prescribing and contributory factors to both.
- Compare opioid abuse risk assessment tools and the utility of risk stratification.
- Outline the appropriate periodic review and monitoring of patients prescribed opioid analgesics, including the role of urine drug testing.
- Describe necessary components of patient/ caregiver education for prescribed opioid analgesics, including guidance on the safe use and disposal of medications.
- Compare available opioid abuse-deterrent formulations.
- Evaluate government and industry efforts to address problems arising from prescription opioid analgesic misuse.
- Review the unintended negative consequences of efforts to reduce prescribed opioid analgesic misuse, diversion, and overdose.
- Discuss treatment considerations for patients with active or remitted substance use disorder who require prescribed opioid analgesics for chronic pain.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 15.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 15.00 ANCC
NetCE Course Number: 91413
This course is offered through NetCE.
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