Prescribing Controlled Substances
Baptist Health Quality Network in collaboration with the Baptist Health CME Program has developed this online course that addresses the opioid crisis and equips learners with the tools and resources to successfully implement current standards for prescribing controlled substances, particularly opiates. This course addresses alternatives to these standards; nonpharmacological therapies; prescribing emergency opioid antagonists; prescribing controlled substances via telemedicine; and the risks of opioid addiction following all stages of treatment in the management of acute pain.
The Prescribing Controlled Substances course has been approved by the Florida Board of Medicine, the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine, the Florida Board of Dentistry, and the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine as continuing medical education that meets the controlled substance bill (House Bill 21) requirements for biennial license renewal.
This course also addresses educational requirements established by the MATE Act.
This course is NOT intended for nurse practitioners.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the scope of the opioid abuse crisis in Florida.
- Explain new Florida laws and rules regarding prescribing controlled substances and comply with practitioner requirements under the new regulations.
- Follow the current evidence-based standard for prescribing opioids and other controlled substances, including prescribing of emergency opioid antagonists.
- Identify inpatients who would benefit from non-opioid alternatives and non-pharmacological therapies for pain while maintaining optimal patient care and pain management.
- Implement best practices in the outpatient setting when prescribing controlled substances and consider alternative therapies.
- Explain the mechanisms of action that trigger addiction in certain patients and not in others.
- Identify patients at risk of addiction following opioid treatment for acute pain and implement prevention strategies.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
This course is offered through Baptist Health.
To take this course you will be redirected to Baptist Health's website. You must login or create an account with Baptist Health in order to complete this activity.
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