Pennsylvania: Child Abuse, Recognition and Reporting for Mandated Reporters, 3 units
This online course is for healthcare providers and other professionals in Pennsylvania who are mandated to report suspected child abuse. It begins with historical information about child abuse recognition in the United States and continues with a description of child welfare and child protective services in Pennsylvania. Child abuse is defined, along with its components and categories. New regulations related to human trafficking are included. The reporting process is described, as well as responsibilities of mandated reporters, permissive reporters, reasonable cause, and penalties for failing to report. The course describes indicators of child abuse. It concludes with information about the prevention of child abuse.
Target Audience
The following course information applies to occupational therapy professionals:
- Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, OTAs
- Instructional Level: Introductory
- Content Focus: Category 1—Domain of OT, Client Factors
Category 3—Professional Issues, Legal, Legislative, and Regulatory Issues
Learning Objectives
When you finish this course you will be able to:
Describe the importance of one of the first cases of child abuse brought before the courts in the United States.
State the difference between child protective services and general protective services.
Relate the components of child abuse.
Identify two types of human trafficking.
Describe the categories of child abuse under Pennsylvania law.
Identify two responsibilities each for mandated and permissive reporters.
Define reasonable cause as it relates to the reporting of child abuse.
Relate two indicators for each category of child abuse.
Describe five factors that have been shown to protect against child abuse and neglect.
Additional Information
Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT
Susan Walters Schmid, PhD
This course is jointly approved by Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and and the Pennsylvania Department of State. It fulfills the 3-unit requirement for training in child abuse recognition and reporting for mandated reporters under Act 31. PA CE Provider #CACE000044. Program #CAPR000042.
For those in the healthcare professions, course completions are reported to the PA Department of State within 24 hours.
Contact hours: 3
Criteria for Successful Completion
Study the course material, achieve a score of 80% or higher on the post test (the post test can be repeated if a learner scores less than 80%), complete the course evaluation, and pay where required. No partial credit will be awarded.
Available Credit
- 3.00 Participation
This course is offered through A-Train Education.
To take this course you will be redirected to A-Train Education's website. You must login or create an account with A-Train Education in order to complete this activity.
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