Finding Our Voices: Intimate Partner Violence, the #MeToo Movement, and Our Role as Providers (Recorded at Pri-Med Midwest)

This talk will focus on the central importance of power differentials in relationships and the role of power and control in intimate partner violence (IPV).  The speaker will outline the identifying signs and symptoms of abuse and discuss techniques for screening for IPV during office visits. Participants will review opportunities and methods for developing safety plans and providing emotional, legal, and medical support to patients when IPV has been identified. The #MeToo movement is an empowering catalyst for victims to speak out about abuse; we as providers are in a unique and privileged position to support and advocate for these deserving patients. 

Learning Objectives

  • To celebrate the fact that many who have been oppressed now have a platform to speak 
  • To compare and contrast the differences between the #metoo movement and Intimate Partner Violence
  • To seek out ways to assist victims of both
  • To demonstrate that Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a significant health issue requiring screening and intervention
  • Establish the need for routine screening 
  • Identify simple, concrete methods for screening, assessing, and developing intervention strategies for IPV
  • To explore the impact of race, class on response to episodes of IPV
  • To address the impact of immigration on victims of IPV 

Additional Information

Pri-Med Institute
State Approved: 
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Lenore F. Soglin, MD

No financial relationships to disclose. 

AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

Accreditation Statement

pmiCME is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Designation Statement

pmiCME designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

For APRNs and PAs, AANPCB and NCCPA accept AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ as the number of hours of participation (AANPCB) or as Category 1 CME credits (NCCPA).

Available Credit

  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Please login or register to take this course.

This course is offered through Pri-Med. To take this course you will be redirected to Pri-Med's website. You must have an account with Pri-Med in order to complete this activity. 

Mocingbird continues to work with our CME partner network to provide courses directly to you. We appreciate your patience as we work toward that goal!


Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence