Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Diversion for New Mexico Healthcare Professionals

All advanced practice nurses, including certified nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists, with prescriptive authority practicing in New Mexico are required, by law, to complete five contact hours of continuing education on the subject of non-cancer pain management as part of the 15 hours of required pharmacology CE every 2 years. State-specific requirements include content related to CE rules developed by the New Mexico Board of Nursing (NMBON). 

In order to satisfy this requirement, this state-specific course should be completed in combination with another course of at least four contact hours such as our course Current Concepts in Pain Management. The combination provides both general knowledge regarding pain management and New Mexico-specific content.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Explain the provisions of NMAC 16.12.9 (Rule 9).
  2. Identify at least 3 factors that contributed to the rise of opioid use.
  3. Identify at least 5 patient addiction behaviors.
  4. Identify at least 5 additional healthcare professional addiction behaviors.
  5. Identify the 10 steps of Pain Management Universal Precautions.
  6. Discuss appropriate patient education regarding prescription drugs.
  7. Recognize at least 5 “Red Flags” as it relates to drug misuse and/or diversion.

Additional Information

Pedagogy Continuing Nurse Education
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Contact hours
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Contact hours


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This course is offered through Pedagogy Continuing Nurse Education. 


To take this course you will be redirected to Pedagogy Continuing Nurse Education's website. You must login or create an account with Pedagogy Continuing Nurse Education in order to complete this activity. 


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