Cultural Competency Training
4-contact-hour course on cultural competency. Examines how to provide effective and respectful care for persons of different cultural, religious, and sexual backgrounds, including LGBTQ+, children, seniors, veterans, persons with a mental illness, persons with a developmental or physical disability, or any other population.
Nevada 2024 Update: This course meets the 4-hour NV Board of Nursing requirement for Cultural Competency (NRS 632.343) and is approved by the Nevada Board of Nursing. AB267 now requires that nurses complete 4 contact hours of Cultural Competency (instead of 2 hours) each renewal cycle.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this continuing education course, you will be prepared to provide effective and respectful care for patients belonging to different populations. Specific learning objectives to address potential knowledge gaps include:
- Examine the intersection of oppression, discrimination, and implicit biases in order to provide nondiscriminatory care.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for patients of all races, ethnicities, and religions, including how a patient’s race, ethnicity, or religion may contribute to various healthcare-related considerations.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for LGBTQ+ patients, including physical space, informational materials, patient communication, and staff training.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for children and older adults, including best practices for communicating effectively.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for veterans, including trauma-informed care.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for patients with mental illness, including common stigmas about people with mental illness.
- Discuss elements of culturally competent care for patients with a disability, including the use of people-first language.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 4.00 ANCC
This course is offered through Wild Iris Medical Education.
To take this course you will be redirected to Wild Iris Medical Education website. You must login or create an account with Wild Iris Medical Education in order to complete this activity.
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