Communication and People with Dementia
Dementia gradually destroys the areas of the brain responsible for sending and receiving messages, making communication difficult. There are guidelines that you can follow to ensure effective communication with persons with dementia, even those who have severe cognitive impairments. In this course, you will learn how to understand the person with dementia by knowing them as an individual and recognizing common speech patterns, how persons with dementia use behaviors for communicating discomfort, and the communication strategies you can employ to ensure the person receives your message.
Learning Objectives
- Give two examples of common communication changes people with dementia exhibit.
- Describe how knowing the person with dementia as an individual, not as a disease, promotes effective communication.
- Describe the techniques for communicating more effectively with people with dementia.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 1.00 ANCC
This course is offered through Relias LLC.
To take this course you will be redirected to Relias LLC's website. You must login or create an account with Relias LLC in order to complete this activity.
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