Child Abuse Identification and Reporting: The Pennsylvania Requirement
In 2020, there were 4,593 substantiated reports to child abuse in Pennsylvania. Healthcare professionals, regardless of their discipline or field, are in a unique position to assist in the identification, education, and prevention of child abuse and neglect. This course describes how victims of abuse can be accurately identified and provides the community resources available in the state of Pennsylvania for child abuse victims. Mandated reporter laws will also be outlined.
The purpose of this course is to enable healthcare professionals in all practice settings to define child abuse and identify the children who are affected by violence. This course describes how a victim can be accurately diagnosed and identifies the community resources available in the state of Pennsylvania for child abuse victims.
This course is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to fulfill the requirement for 3 hours of Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (Act 31) training for healthcare professionals applying for licensure. Provider number CACE000020.
This course is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to fulfill the requirement for 2 hours of Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (Act 31) training for healthcare professionals renewing their license. Provider number CACE000020.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Summarize the historical context of child abuse.
- Discuss the emergence of the child welfare system in Pennsylvania.
- Define child abuse and neglect and identify the different forms of child abuse and neglect.
- Discuss the scope of child abuse and neglect in the United States and specifically in Pennsylvania.
- Review the mandatory reporting process and mandated reporters in the state of Pennsylvania, including possible barriers to reporting suspected cases of child abuse.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 3.00 ANCC
- 3.00 ASWB
NetCE Course Number: 97542
This course is offered through NetCE.
To take this course you will be redirected to NetCE website. You must login or create an account with NetCE in order to complete this activity.
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