Washington State Healthcare Professional Telemedicine Training
In 2020, Washington State passed SSB 6061 (Links to an external site.) and made telemedicine training mandatory for all licensed, registered, or certified healthcare professionals providing telemedicine services. Physicians and Osteopathic physicians are excluded from the mandate, however they are encouraged to complete such training.
This training meets the requirement outlined in Washington State law. Trainees are expected to maintain a Certificate of Completion for record keeping. Fulfillment of this telemedicine training requirement includes: completion of this training, 80% pass rate of the training test questions, and maintenance of records that includes the Certificate of Completion that will be awarded following this training.
Note: Healthcare providers do not need to complete this training if their institution or organization has their own internal telehealth training that meets the Washington Telehealth Alternative Training Guidelines.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this telemedicine training the healthcare professional will be able to:
- Identify how telemedicine is defined in Washington State
- Describe regulating policies and scope of practice when providing telemedicine services
- Understand the necessary infrastructure before providing telemedicine services
- List practice considerations when providing telemedicine services
- Demonstrate knowledge of telemedicine practice, business, and compliance standards
Additional Information
This course is offered through Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center.
To take this course you will be redirected to Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center website. You must login or create an account with Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center in order to complete this activity.
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To obtain your CME certificate, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on, type or copy this link into your browser: https://learning.comagine.org/login/index.php
2. If you are new to this site, please register.
a. If you do not receive the authentication email,
i. Check your Spam folder first
ii. It may have been stopped by your organizations firewall settings; in this case you may not receive the confirmation email. Please use contact information below to contact me directly.
3. Click on “Continuing Medical Education (CME)” link
4. Click on “CME Event Survey”
5. If no courses appear, click the green button that says “enroll me”
6. Click on Session you attended
7. Enter session password: Washington
8. Complete the evaluation and click “Submit all and Finish”
9. Confirm “Submit all and finish”
10. Scroll to the bottom of the page
11. Click on “Finish reviewing quiz” at the bottom right of the page
12. At the top of the page, click on “general”, this will take you back to the course listing page. Look for the name of your course.
13. The Certificate icon should now be located under the link for the evaluation, click the icon foryour certificate.