Ohio Nurse Practice Act (1 Hour) Law and Rules - Category A
Ohio Law and Rules Category A course on standards for competent nursing practice for RNs and LPNs in Ohio. Fulfills the requirement for 1 contact hour (Category A) on the Ohio Nurse Practice Act.
This course fulfills the Category A requirement for 1 contact hour of CE on the Ohio Nurse Practice Act.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this continuing education course, you will have increased your knowledge of the standards of safe nursing practice in accordance with the Ohio Nurse Practice Act and the state’s laws and rules. Specific learning objectives to address potential knowledge gaps include:
- Describe the Ohio Scope of Practice Decision-Making Model.
- Discuss the standards for competent nursing practice in Ohio.
- Explain standards for the delegation of nursing tasks to unlicensed personnel.
- Summarize the standards for applying the nursing process in Ohio.
Additional Information
Available Credit
- 1.00 ANCC
This course is offered through Wild Iris Medical Education.
To take this course you will be redirected to Wild Iris Medical Education website. You must login or create an account with Wild Iris Medical Education in order to complete this activity.
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