DS 169 Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training

The Iowa HHS Learning Management System moved to a new platform. 

  1. All learners must start by using the registration URL to create and connect your Workday account. 
  2. Follow this link to learn How to Create, Connect and Unlock a Workday Account
  3. After registering, use this url to log in.
  4. If you have additional questions, view our Mandatory Reporter Help Guide.

Workday Learning Resources (You must be logged in to Workday Learning to view.)

If you have any technical questions or experience any issues regarding Mandatory Reporter training, please email [email protected]

The following Mandatory Reporter Training courses are available:

Additional Information

State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
State Approved: 
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Please login or register to take this course.

To streamline user access, Mocingbird provides a direct link to Iowa's approved courses for Dependent Adult & Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training provided by Iowa.

To take this course you will be redirected to Iowa Department of Human Services' website. You must login or create an account with Iowa Department of Human Services in order to complete this activity. 

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