Navigating Genetic Disorders of the Pulmonary System: Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Learn about common birth defects affecting the pulmonary system. Understand genetic causes and interventions for better prenatal and postnatal care.

Navigating the intricate landscape of genetic disorders affecting the pulmonary system proves essential for today's healthcare practitioners. With a profound understanding of the genetic origins and subsequent implications of congenital lung abnormalities, professionals stand empowered to offer pivotal education and intervention. Addressing this crucial need, the curriculum dives deep into the molecular intricacies and manifestations of these disorders, ensuring that affected individuals and their families receive timely, informed support during the vital prenatal and postnatal stages.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the five stages of lung morphogenesis.
  2. Differentiate between the various classes of genetic disorders affecting the pulmonary system.
  3. Identify the primary genetic disorders affecting lung formation.
  4. Identify the primary genetic disorders affecting the formation of pulmonary surfactant.
  5. Describe clinical considerations affecting respiration at birth.
  6. Describe various maternal and gestational issues that can affect pulmonary abnormalities and how they may be prevented.

Additional Information

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 3.00 ANCC
Course opens: 
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Mocingbird Member cost:

Available Credit

  • 3.00 ANCC


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