Event date
  • Depression
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 ANCC
  • 1.00 AOA Category 2-B
  • 1.00 ASWB
Major depressive disorder comes under the "M" of Mentation of the Age-Friendly Health System model. This activity will discuss suicidal epidemiology, assessment, and treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. Although we see a much higher focus on suicide in younger people in the lay media, men aged 65 and older constitute the highest rate per 100,000 population.
  • Depression
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 ANCC
Each lesson in the Disease Management Clinical Decisions series provides a brief, case-based review of management strategies related to the topic. Questions and multiple-choice answers about the case presented include the rationale for the correct answer. Throughout this case-based lesson, you may proceed to the next question once you answer the question correctly.
  • Depression
  • Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  • Suicide
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 AOA Category 1-A
This lecture will review the prevalence and challenges in managing patients with co-occurring opioid use disorder, depression and self-injurious behavior.