Event date
  • 3.00 Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
  • 3.00 ASWB
Without proper boundaries and awareness, mental health professionals become vulnerable to burnout and vicarious traumatization. This can result in a risk of therapeutic effectiveness, loss of trust with clients, and possible ethical crossings or violations. This course supports professionals practicing competence, while utilizing self-care and boundaries to minimize burnout while practicing compassion for the clients that they serve.
  • 2.00 Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
  • 2.00 ANCC
  • 2.00 ASWB
The rate of infants being born with opioid addiction has been increasing over the past decade, with most sources linking this with the rising abuse of prescription opioids such as hydrocodone. As clinicians are more likely to encounter women with an opioid abuse disorder who are or may become pregnant, it is vital that they have a clear understanding of the role of opioid-maintenance therapy as well as the effects of opioids on the fetus and the mother.
  • 10.00 ASWB
This course is a departure from traditional instruction on clinical supervision where the emphases tend to be on models of counselor development and approaches specific to clinical supervision. Taking the person-centered values of empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence, this workshop will teach you how to work with supervisees in a manner that will honor their perspectives and experience and thus maximize their development as counselors.
  • 5.00 Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
  • 5.00 ANCC
  • 5.00 ASWB
Professionals continue to debate whether sexual addiction can be classified and treated in the same realm as chemical addictions; this course will give participants the necessary information and allow them to decide for themselves. The course will contain information on several core concepts: sexual compulsivity, sexual addiction, sexual anorexia, etiology of sexual addiction, aspects of healthy sexuality, assessing sexual addiction, and treating sexual addiction.
  • 5.00 ANCC
  • 5.00 ASWB
The reality is that practitioners, including nurses, social workers, counselors, psychologists, and mental health workers, observe and interact with a variety of social problems and generally have questions about: the magnitude of the problem; the psychosocial ramifications on individuals, families, communities, neighborhoods, and society; its relationship to other factors; and effective interventions. Psychosocial research provides the vehicle to answer these questions.
  • 2.00 AANP Pharmacology Contact Hours
  • 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 5.00 ANCC
Anemia may be common in the elderly patient, but it should not be accepted as normal aging. The scientific evidence suggests that consequences of untreated geriatric anemia are significant. Anemia leads to poorer quality of life and increased morbidity and mortality. Even mild anemia is more significant than traditionally thought by clinicians and is associated with increased hospitalizations and mortality. This course will review physical assessment skills, laboratory findings, diagnosis, and initiation of treatment and follow-up plan.
  • Depression
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.00 ANCC
  • 1.00 AOA Category 2-B
  • 1.00 ASWB
Major depressive disorder comes under the "M" of Mentation of the Age-Friendly Health System model. This activity will discuss suicidal epidemiology, assessment, and treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. Although we see a much higher focus on suicide in younger people in the lay media, men aged 65 and older constitute the highest rate per 100,000 population.
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infants is common and can lead to hospitalization if severe. There are now two ways to prevent this: immunizing the mother during pregnancy or giving monoclonal antibodies. Listen in as we discuss the recommendations for RSV prevention and how to best incorporate them into your practice.
  • Depression
  • 2.00 AANP Pharmacology Contact Hours
  • 15.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 15.00 ANCC
  • 15.00 ASWB
Depression is a common, debilitating mood disorder. Depression is highly prevalent in medically ill populations, and many persons with depression are either unaware they need professional help or are reluctant to seek it. Although contact with the primary care setting represents a potential opportunity for timely identification and intervention, abundant evidence indicates that many patients with depression are inadequately diagnosed by nonpsychiatrist physicians, with one study showing inadequate assessment and diagnosis even after training.
  • Sinusitis
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
There is an overlap of acute sinusitis symptoms and viral upper respiratory tract infection, such that many children are treated unnecessarily with antibiotics. In this episode, we review 2 recent studies that inform recommendations on whether or not to treat childhood sinusitis with amoxicillin/clavulanate. Gain practical strategies and the confidence to appropriately address sinusitis in the children you treat.
